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Petty Officer
Nov 15, 2012
hey guys i thought of a cool Easter companion... he's like the Easter bunny but he's a ninja he carry's 2 Katanas and is pink bunny looking creature from fare away Spiral (not pirates or wizard related though) so he came from the future and met with Avery telling him about his story and what happening to his home world and he's getting an army to bring back to help him save his world of EGGOPALISE...
and your pirate offers to help him and then after the huge dungeon where you have to free his Soldiers and fight your way through dungeon he thx you and decides to join team

P.s HE'S a buccaneer/Musketeer...
tell me what you guys think or if you have any Easter companions ideas of your own smile emoticon
and he's Male and orange...

-ONE Eye Jack -
i would like your opinion on this plz or anybody :)

Dec 16, 2011
I agree with everything but the class I have an idea for theme

Swashbuckler: ninja
Buccaneer: samurai
Witchdoctor: robes on

So those are my specific classes you will get if you are a certain class