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Double Scrip Days

Feb 09, 2010
Hey, so I've recently hit champion in pvp and I was so hyped up for the champ weapons just to find out how much scrip they were priced at. My goal was to get all the champ weapons for all my characters but to get one champ weapon it would be about 10 runs of smuggler's arena (10 successful runs if you manage to complete it) or countless days farming ships and remember that's only for ONE weapon. It would be amazing if there were a day where scrip drops were doubled because it would just speed up the process of things by soo much because the difficulty of getting scrip is high and time consuming so if there could be a double scrip day even if it's only once a month I would be completely fine.

Mark, Level 70
Patrick Templeton, Level 70
Mitchell, Level 70
Loyal Tyrone,Levl 65

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009