It begins as a notification pops up on the side of the screen alerting you of a raid by possible enemies on skull island. These enemies can be either new to the game or barely seen to keep things interesting, ex. raccoons. Or even undead and connect it with the flying dutchman These enemies should be very rewarding. In order for this to work out skull island should get a revamp for more space. The enemies should spawn from boats landed on the shore. In order to make this fair and fun, there should be certain areas for certain range of levels. There should also be a goal at the top that we must defeat before the timer ends. If the goal is met we gain prizes if we dont a dialog at the end should tell us that gold has been taken. The timer shouldnt be too long and should be fairly lengthy for entertainment purposes. I suggest the combat should be as small as the pvp in our homes so more people can participate. Also, there needs to be bosses to fight also for a challenge. Feel free to add suggestions and point out problems! :)