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Buccaneer Power ideas

Oct 19, 2009
Turn the tide 3

Explanation: Buccs have most epics due to not havingas many powers it makes sense,

Fortify: Passive
Allies within range recieves a 25% protection buff. Similiar to rooks protection

Hunker down
Knocks the enemy back dealing damage based rooks over protection

Vital Slash
Deals weapon damage bleeding the target for the next 3 rounds


Increases damage on enemies whos half is half there maxium by 25

Rank2: 35%

Rank3: 50%

Explanation buccs are tougher in the middle to end of battle.

Jul 07, 2013
x Gives candy apple x Feel better?

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Dec 16, 2012
The first 2 are available through gear.
Fortify seems OP.
Is hunker down 1 time thing or now?
Merciless - Buck does not need anymore things to chain. Or is this a new ability? Cause Merciless already exists.
Vital Slash is interesting.