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Booster Packs presenting a 'Storage' Challenge

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Hello KI developers, I thank ye for once again putting those Tribal & Grizzly Packs on sale-- this here pirate is learning to be quite frugal these days! The 50% off is fantastic & I am hoping to strike Companion gold with some of my lower level pirates...that would be Bear-y exciting & Dino-mite!

I have spent a good bit of time farming with my only maxed pirate, for my low level pirates in hopes of setting them up with great gear for their continued journeys throughout the Spiral. I don't get much time to play them but I really wanted them to be well equipped for the future. For this reason, all 5 of my other pirates have near-full backpacks, banks & even my shared bank is bursting at the bolts! Now we all know that when we purchase the packs, we accumulate a lot of other goodies, & this can be both a good and bad thing. With every storage 'unit' nearly maxed already, it makes purchasing the packs quite tedious at times. We have to buy a pack or 2, run off & sell what we don't want (more so for Tribal Pack), or store the Grizzly housing items in a house & then purchase more packs. As is, even with my low level pirates, I can not purchase any more than 1 or 2 packs at a time before having to do the 'store & dance' routine. It makes purchasing in bulk kinda tough. We'd either have to get rid of stuff we really want to keep (gear that is), or constantly run back & forth after purchasing a pack.

So, I was hoping of finding ways to help out with this issue.

Possible Suggestions

1] Increase our Packs & Banks space (but keep the Shared Bank as is)
2] Allow us to store pirate gear in our attics (since we can not use our houses for gear)
3] Grant us a new storage unit like say, 'The Vault' or 'Booster Bank' that directly correlates with Booster Packs. When you purchase a Booster Pack, all of the items go directly into The Vault (except tomes, of course). The items won't count towards Pack/Bank space & we can not manually place items into it...but we can later move items from it or Sell from it, at Vendors. Each pirate can have it's own Vault that has a item limit. This way we can safely purchase the packs (up to a certain point), without having to constantly run around & make room, store or place items in our homes. We'll be able to do it from our Vault, at our own time of choosing. When we go to our homes, we possibly could access the Booster Bank, just for placing, storing or removing items, but will not be able to place items into it-- they're for Booster Pack purchases/items only.
4] Allow us to purchase a Booster Bank or Storage Shed or Vault for each pirate from the Crown Shop, for Crowns, that acts as an additional Bank.
5] Allow us to purchase, for Crowns, 25 or 50 item increases to our Banks, via a 'Knik-a-Knak' potion-- like the ones for increasing housing storage. With a limit on how many we can buy &/or a cap on how much extra space can be added to our banks. (sounds like a good source of revenue).
6] Any other suggestions?


Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Ok, so I was able to work around the 'lack of storage' issue but it is a bit tedious & time consuming...& a little inconvenient. I know, I know- us pirates are never satisfied.

Each of my 5, lower pirates were within 5-10 items shy of maxing their packs & their banks & my Shared Bank is near capacity, as well. Now with pets it's not too much of a problem because we can purchase houses & unload the extra pets or ones done training, in our homes. I do have about 2-3 pages of pets on all of those pirates & surely they take up space, but I am training a good bit of them. Since I don't have time to play them, I still want them to feel like part of the crew & put them to good use, so I have them train up potential pets & get pet gear to sell for gold. So a lot of the pets on those pirates, I actually do want on them, and along with all of the gear that I farmed for, of varying levels, they sure do take up a good bit of space.

The only way that I could purchase a decent amount of Booster Packs yesterday, w/out having to sell & unload after every pack or 2, was to finish training all my pets & not 'restart'. Then I had to unload my pets & find room to get rid of whatever gear that I could find a spot for in my bank(s). But I'll have to gather up all those pets & put them back in their 'proper order' in the pet pages (yeah, I'm weird that way), across all pirates.

I really think that it would help if there was an extra storage unit that we could purchase from the Crown Shop, or purchase capacity increases to our packs/banks, or be able to store gear in our attics. I mean we store pets in there & that's a bit unsafe. I know my real-life attic has all kinds of helms, sparky weapons, warrior loincloths, Eagle shaped earrings & various other awesome gear in it-- doesn't everybody's?? So, it would make sense that our pirates could put gear in their attics.

Any way at achieving more storage space, would be welcomed by a lot of us pirates. And I'm sure we'd even pay for it too.

May 30, 2010
I would pay crowns for extra storage (per pirate).