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A new power for Buccaneers?

Dec 21, 2013
So i thought of this like right now but anyway for the next world update ( Whenever it comes it's been 2 years now! ) i was thinking of a power for buccaneers, It could be a trained power or like a power you get from farming a specific boss. It's kinda like the musketeers uncanny shot which shoots in a straight line of 6 squares, BUT! instead of it being a shooty weapon it could be for melee weapons and could either be 4 or 5 squares, So the way it works is the player would kick his/her legs like a bull does when it's about to charge and then the player would charge in a straight line and any enemies that are in the way could receive knock back and a debuff maybe reduced armor? or reduced damage. The last enemy that is charged could maybe receive a glancing blow? If it isn't trainable put the power on an item? maybe the power could be put on a helmet or boots. either sounds cool :P

let me know what you think! :)

Jun 09, 2013
TheRedPirate2148 on Apr 3, 2015 wrote:
So i thought of this like right now but anyway for the next world update ( Whenever it comes it's been 2 years now! ) i was thinking of a power for buccaneers, It could be a trained power or like a power you get from farming a specific boss. It's kinda like the musketeers uncanny shot which shoots in a straight line of 6 squares, BUT! instead of it being a shooty weapon it could be for melee weapons and could either be 4 or 5 squares, So the way it works is the player would kick his/her legs like a bull does when it's about to charge and then the player would charge in a straight line and any enemies that are in the way could receive knock back and a debuff maybe reduced armor? or reduced damage. The last enemy that is charged could maybe receive a glancing blow? If it isn't trainable put the power on an item? maybe the power could be put on a helmet or boots. either sounds cool :P

let me know what you think! :)
I was going to make a post about a very similar power, but you seem to have beat me to it! An AoE attack for Buccaneers is just what the doctor ordered -- I don't quite know about the Doctor, but the doctor.

Thanks for posting!
- Jack

P.S. If I were to name this attack, it would be called "Swift Charge".

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
I like that idea but I also have an idea for a buccaneer power! How about like ratbeard after his 3rd promotion you get a knockback power that knocks enemies back this reduces accuracy and armor.

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
That sounds like a great idea! I'm not a Buccaneer myself, but "Swift Charge" would sound like a fun power to add to the game.

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65

Feb 08, 2014
I made up something like that called Big,Bold Blade.The caster raises his sword/weapon in the air,it then enlarges,and you hit ememies in a row of6-8