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3 minor things to implement

Nov 05, 2012
  1. When teleporting to Avery's Court, you bound to the Avery's Court fountain. Instead, you should not be bounded with Avery's Court's fountain automatically and remain bounded to your previous fountain. Because what's the point of having two ports to the same place?
  2. Ships with gray names should not aggro your ship. This will be very convenient and a lot less annoying when a quest leads you to lower level skies.
  3. The quest finder. This is self explanatory.
Add in your ideas!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Docterteer on Aug 23, 2016 wrote:
  1. When teleporting to Avery's Court, you bound to the Avery's Court fountain. Instead, you should not be bounded with Avery's Court's fountain automatically and remain bounded to your previous fountain. Because what's the point of having two ports to the same place?
  2. Ships with gray names should not aggro your ship. This will be very convenient and a lot less annoying when a quest leads you to lower level skies.
  3. The quest finder. This is self explanatory.
Add in your ideas!
1. When you teleport to Skull Island, you automatically leave a mark. To return just recall the mark. Bounding to a life fountain is one of the foundations of this game. If you want to keep your original bounded life fountain, just go to that life fountain, make a mark then port to Skull Island, simple as pie!
2. Lower level ships often miss hitting high level ships, just keep sailing and don't engage; you'll soon be out of their tether range and they won't bother you.
3. Yes we all want that quest finder, it's been asked for many, many times.