While I was watching the Puppet Show about the 5 Turtle Balls, in the scene where Cao Tzu's location is revealed to the PC & how to reach him, I noticed that Shunzang's voiceover dialogue is saying, "Cao Tzu dwells upon the Celestial Shrine, which sits upon the back of Maruzame, the Great Turtle that swims the skies of the higher worlds!", according to the text dialogue, but his voiceover somehow says, "Cao Tzu dwells upon the Celestial Shrine, which sits upon the back of Maruzame, the Great Turtle that swims the skies of the higher worlds!", the part of his voiceover being "high world" or something, as I sort of heard. I just can't hear the characters' voiceovers alone during Puppet Shows because of the music & sound effects that came with them, you know.
Well, anyway, please correct this dialogue error by either having Shunzang's voiceover line revised to sound accurately on that part of his dialogue line, "higher worlds", or have that part of his dialogue text line fixed to reflect his voiceover line. Just hear real closely to that part of his line & you'll know what I mean.