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Pet Epic Talent Riposte bug

Jun 29, 2012
My Crimson Crawlie has Riposte but for some reason, it never activates when he dodges any attacks. I tried to see if this was only happening to that particular pet but one of my other pets that had Riposte had the same problem. I hope this will be fixed but I really want to use my Crimson Crawlie in Pet Sparring matches.

Hi! Do you know which pet you were going up against in the Pet Sparring Match? Any additional information you could provide us would be great!


*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Jun 29, 2012
Well I was going up against a Storm Shark pet. Also I tested this out and my Crimson Crawlie is the only pet I have that is having this problem and any other of my pets that are Crimson Crawlie also experience the same glitch.

Nov 18, 2012
I thought I was the only one experiencing this bug, glad I'm not, but this Riposte on my Crimson Crawlie pet never shows up. In combat (PvP and other enemies) and in pet practice matches. I hope this gets fixed pretty soon because it would help me in my battles.


We've had a difficult time reproducing this. Could it be that the pet you're battling is using a ranged attack?

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Nov 18, 2012
The Crimson Crawlie pet is a Buccaneer class, and it deals with close range combat. The only ranged attack he does is "Cobra Strike" and "Epic Song" but that's not the point. The point is that the Crawlie does not do his Riposte he is suppose to whenever he dodges an incoming attack. I hope this helps out, any more info I will gladly give.

Thanks You

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Ruthless Victor on Dec 5, 2014 wrote:
The Crimson Crawlie pet is a Buccaneer class, and it deals with close range combat. The only ranged attack he does is "Cobra Strike" and "Epic Song" but that's not the point. The point is that the Crawlie does not do his Riposte he is suppose to whenever he dodges an incoming attack. I hope this helps out, any more info I will gladly give.

Thanks You
I think Jack means the pet you are battling. If the one attacking your pet uses a ranged attack, I do not believe those are reposted. Only when your pet is attacked with a melee attack and dodges it, will repost trigger.

Nov 18, 2012
Chrissy Th'Blesser on Dec 5, 2014 wrote:
I think Jack means the pet you are battling. If the one attacking your pet uses a ranged attack, I do not believe those are reposted. Only when your pet is attacked with a melee attack and dodges it, will repost trigger.
I knew I didn't make sense somewhere! Thank you Chrissy, that is exactly what I meant.
Sorry for not explaining correctly...

Mar 02, 2014
I wish i had a pet that could use riposte .

My strongest is a level 45 ostrich (Which has no epic's like, first strike, riposte, blade storm, etc)