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Items being changed in share bank

Jun 16, 2012
It looks like the house bug problem has now infested the share bank. I put in two stacks of pet snacks, scrimshaw swiss and fish fingers to send to alts. The first alt found things ok and pulled out some scrimshaw swiss. The second alt looked for the rest of the swiss and found the stacks had transformed into a single sasperilla and watermolen. They were previously roughly 10 scrimshaw swiss and 40 fish fingers. I have relogged game and tried looking with different characters and just see the transformed sasperilla and wotermolen. I don't trust the share bank at all right now.

Jul 16, 2014

What day did this happen to you?

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Jun 16, 2012
Bonnie Anne on Dec 15, 2014 wrote:

What day did this happen to you?
It was on Saturday the 13th, shortly before the time stamp on my post. I am only currently logging in to train pets and give crew orders. Anything else I want to do would mean moving things through the bank and I really don't want to lose any pets or rare gear.

Jun 16, 2012
Another possible clue. I just noticed this evening (12/15) that the share bank is reading 104/100. I do not know if it has been saying that all along (though I think I would have noticed when I looked to see if there was room to move some snacks) or just started up. I have done counts on different characters and relogged between counts and I only find 100 items in the share bank.

In the events prior to the snacks transforming on Saturday, I had been script hunting ships with Chrissy's group and made a dash to clear out backpack on the character I was playing. I did a hurried toss in share bank, switch to another pirate to grab that stuff and then back to finish clearing out backpack of the pirate I was ship hunting with. I suppose if the bank had lagged it might be where the strange numbers started up.

I haven't touched share bank or private banks of any of my prirates since this started on Saturday. Too paraniod I might lose something much more difficult to replace than rank 1 snacks.

Jun 16, 2012
I was beginning to think yesterday (12/17) with the lack of others posting with this problem that it may be an isolated glitch. I did some ship hunting for script again and moved some ship parts in and out of the personal bank of the pirate I was playing and that seemed to work fine.

So later in the evening (12/17) I decided to pull out the mystery snacks that had appeared in my share bank. To my great surprise I found 10x scrimshaw swiss and 70x fish fingers hiding behind the 1x sasparilla and 1x watermolen. Once I had removed the 4 snacks (stacks), the count on my share bank changed from 104/100 to 100/100.

I have today (12/18) been moving ship gear in and out of the share bank and things seem to be doing ok. Trying to work up the nerve to send a pet through the share bank. Do wish I had taken a tally of how many pets were already in there when this started, I think it is ok. *knocks on wood*

It's looking like this can be chalked up to a weird lag hiccup though I have no idea where the stray single sasparilla and watermolen came from.