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Housing item Flat Wooden Platform

May 06, 2011
I believe this is a bug, because recently I just bought a flat wooden platform and now, when I try to place it in my house, it says "You can't place any more of that kind of item here." but my house isn't full, its brand new and I just got it yesterday, not filled with items.

May 30, 2010
I got one as a drop and had the same issue. I just gave up and sold it since my house is getting full (but is not there yet).

Jun 16, 2012
KatherineDragonBla... on Nov 30, 2014 wrote:
I believe this is a bug, because recently I just bought a flat wooden platform and now, when I try to place it in my house, it says "You can't place any more of that kind of item here." but my house isn't full, its brand new and I just got it yesterday, not filled with items.
Yes it is a bug. It was reported in this thread here in the bug forum and the fix for it is on test currently. Placing the Flat Wooden Platform in a house will no longer cause an error message. from the test notes found here - possible spoiler. Might be a spoiler if you want to be surprised, in which case don't read it. But your flat wooden platform will work fine once live is updated with what is currently on test.