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Eagle Eyes Bug

Mar 26, 2014
Sometimes when you spawn in a fight with Ghor his eagle eyes doesn't effect you and you have to move him away and back to actually get the effect

Jul 16, 2014

We've had our quality assurance department double check and it seems the ability is working correctly. This aura does not affect melee classes, it only affects ranged, so if the ranged class is not right next to Ghor then they would not be affected. That may be what you are seeing and thinking it’s not working.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Sep 04, 2013
Bonnie Anne on Apr 16, 2015 wrote:

We've had our quality assurance department double check and it seems the ability is working correctly. This aura does not affect melee classes, it only affects ranged, so if the ranged class is not right next to Ghor then they would not be affected. That may be what you are seeing and thinking it’s not working.
I actually had this same problem during the pillow fight event, I'm a Swashbuckler and when the event started I decided to change to musketeer gear, a gun from the bazaar and a bunch of items with musketeer powers from my bank, I was fighting wharf rats squirts and troggies and my Ghor's eagle eyes rarely worked on me, and I wasn't using a shooty/stabby it was a straight up 2 handed shooty weapon. Worked completely fine on my musketeer companions though.

Mar 26, 2014
no that is not what i was seeing because i was on my witchdoctor with a wand and it seems to happen less now that ghor has eagle eyes 2 instead of 1