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Can't find any quests?

Mar 22, 2015
Hey all,
I know some people have written about this before , but I'm only a level 9 swashbuckler and I cannot find any more quests! I've visited the Blood Shoals and helped 3 of the ghost rats, but am not being offered a quest from Manny or Lasko (?) anymore. I've searched everywhere on Skull Island and the Blood Shoals, even visited Corsair's again, but nothing is coming up. The only open quest I currently have is the rotten banana hunt. Is there any other advice you have Surely I'm missing something!

Jul 16, 2014

Have you visited Jonahtown yet? There may be a quest there waiting for you.

If you still can't find any and need extra help, please send an email to so they can assist you further.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*