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I need help in dusty arroyo cave

Oct 15, 2012
im having trouble with the quest "bronco busting" i cant seem to complete it,if any pirate would wish to help me in bronco busting through the entire thing i will owe you a favor
silver joseph vane

Sep 06, 2011
thatonevalenciansw... on May 24, 2013 wrote:
im having trouble with the quest "bronco busting" i cant seem to complete it,if any pirate would wish to help me in bronco busting through the entire thing i will owe you a favor
silver joseph vane
What level, quest and class?

Apr 20, 2011
The very difficult battle there is one you have to do solo against spiders. I wonder if it is possible to help another player under that condition.

Tell me if you learn it is possible.

Feb 23, 2013
that is the most hardest part against spiders I cant even invite a level 65 friend because the battle Is solo them and I invite a level 65 friend and he couldn't join please atleast One Eyed Jack or Frogfather or Avery or Blind Mew please lower health by 200 and give them only hold the line