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Cool Ranch in all

May 31, 2018
Hello, i just started Cool Ranch and i was wondering how long it takes to get to the middle of the world.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Blaze1800018 on Sep 23, 2018 wrote:
Hello, i just started Cool Ranch and i was wondering how long it takes to get to the middle of the world.
Concentrating only on the main quest line doesn't take very long. I do encourage you to do those side quests ( no matter how long they seem ) as the experience these give you will help a lot when you reach MooShu.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
It all depends on how much time you play, whether other pirates help you, and whether you do side quests or not.

May 31, 2018
Oct 26, 2018
If you do sides, it takes kind of long. If you don't, I believe it is very short but the farthest place I got to was Bison Village on my level 28 so I'm not sure.