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The Next World After Aquila

Mar 03, 2013
I think it will be krok then a Valencia part 2. Rajah would be cool but I also think that we will get Grizzleheim, Darkmoor, and Polaris.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I'm betting we will be going to Polaris, then Valencia pt.2.

Apr 20, 2012
Honestly the world after Aquila would be Polaris/should be Because The puppet show Captain Avery i think showed us mentioned Valencia,Monquista,Mooshu and Polaris.
After Polaris it would be El Dorado most likely. What about Krokotopia? It's one of the few worlds of Origin not in the game.

Silver Talon Ire Lvl 48

Feb 10, 2009
anecorbie on May 7, 2015 wrote:
I'm betting we will be going to Polaris, then Valencia pt.2.
Why do you think we will go to Polaris next, why not Valencia and Krokotopia?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
DenicetheMenace305 on May 10, 2015 wrote:
Why do you think we will go to Polaris next, why not Valencia and Krokotopia?
The story line seems to point that way; we're finding out how our actions are affecting the Spiral, especially the war between Marleybone and Valencia.
When we liberated Napoleguin, I believe we've started another war, first with Gortez gaining the throne of Monquista, then I'm sure, Napoleguin will seek to return to his throne in Polaris ( just as the historical Napoleon attempted his return to the throne in France.) Also, Napoleguin owes us a favor, remember he said " Ask for any favor and it shall be granted, Napoleguin does not forget!"
Although I would love to visit Grizzleheim and Krokotopia, there isn't an indication in the story that trends that way.
I know we are going to Valencia, but we don't know how we're going there or when.

Jun 29, 2011
I think we might go to Krokotopia, Darkmoor, or Grizzleheim as the next completely new world that we have not already visited, because we still have yet to return to Valencia, but a new part of it that will possibly drive us nuts trying to figure out what it is. We might be going to Cadiz on our return to the birthplace of the clockworks, which I think is the giant gear-like thing right next to Valencia skyway.

Blind Mew said this about, the next skyway we'll be going to, "All I can say is that it does not stand for cookie." The post that shows Mew's saying that, can be found in the below link, so copy and paste this into your browser and scroll a little way down if you want proof.

Feb 08, 2014
I'll bet its Valencia:Pt2.When your talking to Meowiarty in the Glass House,it says something in the diologue."Meet me in Valencia,I know how to defeat Kane"-G.That quote is very informal. So it is mostable that the next world after Aquila will be Valencia pt2 &Cadiz

Reckless Austin Strong lvl 65Tower Titan

Jun 01, 2015
I just really hope they add Grizzleheim because it is based off of nordic areas like Norway and Sweden, which I am from, and chose as where I grew up. I personally love Grizzleheim and have seen it as well Kroktopia and Darkmoor as you are flying to different worlds.

Dec 24, 2013
Pirate101 needs to give a lot of xp in the next world because most people turn max level before they finish the game and so much xp goes down the drain

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
Crabby Felix on Jun 24, 2014 wrote:
Has anyone thought that the next world could be Rajah. They mention it alot in Marleybone. I would also like to know if we will go back to Marleybone and go to Albion Skyway. If anyone has any ideas post below.
Well for starters, we are not going to a new world because after we find the Rosetta Stone and decoded the message from the mechanical birds stating,"I know how to defeat Kane!" and then the game wants us to talk to Avery about sneaking back into Valencia. So there are 2 possibilities: 1. We go to Valencia first then new world or 2. a new world followed by Valencia. Remember seeing a stormgate to Valencia in Aquila?

May 07, 2009
This is odd, but maybe we'll go to wizard city after Valencia? I know that sounds crazy, but Marco Pollo and Ambrose knew each other, so maybe he knows were a map piece is? Probably not, but whatever.

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
Dogsrock5656 on Jul 16, 2015 wrote:
This is odd, but maybe we'll go to wizard city after Valencia? I know that sounds crazy, but Marco Pollo and Ambrose knew each other, so maybe he knows were a map piece is? Probably not, but whatever.
While this is a good idea, I don't think it will happen because as far as I know, the pirates of Pirate101 and wizards of Wizard101 are supposed to never meet. Why this is this case I don't know, or if this is even true.

Dec 24, 2013
i think the next port should be valencia part 2 obviously but as of the next parts of the story i think we should revive our parents and meet them somehow

Oct 16, 2012
hmm new worlds that's a tough one my ideas would be darkmoor witch we know is in the game and krocotopia and grizzleheim because you have the option of choosing those as where you grew up

Jun 27, 2012
Captain Underwood on Jul 29, 2014 wrote:
The next world could be Krokotopia because we've been to pretty much every other world on the "Where were you raised" I think. I don't remember them all but i do remember Skull Island, Mooshu, and Marleybone
There was also grizzlehiem as a place that you were raised.

Jun 27, 2012
Pirate Master on Jul 17, 2015 wrote:
While this is a good idea, I don't think it will happen because as far as I know, the pirates of Pirate101 and wizards of Wizard101 are supposed to never meet. Why this is this case I don't know, or if this is even true.
If that is the case then why would you see the tree from wizard city in your travel through the storm gates?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Silent Mark Morgan on Aug 3, 2015 wrote:
If that is the case then why would you see the tree from wizard city in your travel through the storm gates?
Bartleby is the World Tree, as such he ( and Wizard City ) are at the center of the Spiral; it would be odd that we didn't see him. This is also the fact that Wizard101 is the 'big' brother of Pirate101, so of course, we''ll see references to wizards in the game.

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
Silent Mark Morgan on Aug 3, 2015 wrote:
If that is the case then why would you see the tree from wizard city in your travel through the storm gates?
The wizard city tree (as well as the other Wizard101 worlds such as Krokotopia) were probably just added there as Easter eggs or just a reference to Wizard101.

Apr 13, 2012
They aren't exactly easter eggs. Remember, we did go to Marleybone in both Pirate101 and Wizard101. Also, we had to get the frozen statue of the first balance teacher, Arthur Wethersfield from Medusa. Zeke is here too. Even Argelston the librarian of Wizard City is found in Cool Ranch. Even though we probably won't go there, Wizard City is out there somewhere. I still see going to Krokotopia as very likely. Of course other worlds have been mentioned. Worlds like Grizzleheim and Valencia2 plus the other 2 new worlds are all likely. I hope we find out soon.

-Quick Jason Hawkins

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Quick Jason Hawkin... on Aug 7, 2015 wrote:
They aren't exactly easter eggs. Remember, we did go to Marleybone in both Pirate101 and Wizard101. Also, we had to get the frozen statue of the first balance teacher, Arthur Wethersfield from Medusa. Zeke is here too. Even Argelston the librarian of Wizard City is found in Cool Ranch. Even though we probably won't go there, Wizard City is out there somewhere. I still see going to Krokotopia as very likely. Of course other worlds have been mentioned. Worlds like Grizzleheim and Valencia2 plus the other 2 new worlds are all likely. I hope we find out soon.

-Quick Jason Hawkins
That was Nigel Wethersfeild, not Arthur; the librarian in Wizard City is Harold Argelston and the Argelston we met was called Desmond. Obviously these are 'brothers' of the W101 originals.
Still, we have visited two W101 worlds and some of our pirates have chosen Grizzelheim and Krokotopia as origin worlds. Its very likely we will be seeing these worlds ( if not in the next chapter, then later. )
However, a full W101/P101 crossover? Not as likely ( but I could be wrong. )

May 12, 2013
I think that along with grizzleheim and krokotopia i also feel like there might be Valencia part 2, like some expansion on the skyway or something considering all the details from the dialog after the final parts in Aquila. It's also possible that it could be Darkmoor and Rajah and maybe even Polaris. But it's also likely that Polaris maybe added later on the game and all the other worlds listed are more likely to happen in the coming update to the storyline. Either way very excited to know.

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
You, know, I think we might return to Valnecia because there is a stormgate to go to Valencia in Mooshu as well as one in Aquilla that also goes to Valencia. Not quite sure though, but that is my theory.

Apr 20, 2015
one of the new worlds should be el dorado for sure but I don't think it should end the game with that world. that's just in my opinion though

Jun 09, 2012
Crabby Felix on Jun 24, 2014 wrote:
Has anyone thought that the next world could be Rajah. They mention it alot in Marleybone. I would also like to know if we will go back to Marleybone and go to Albion Skyway. If anyone has any ideas post below.
Well, maybe it would be nice if there were additional skyway's in most of the world's like Albion.

Sep 05, 2014