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scylla to hard

Dec 15, 2012
Let me just get to the point here. Scylla is WAY TO HARD its like battling four ships at once with no help and the ships have low cooldowns on their attacks. I mean seriously AT LEAST make it so that you dont have to do it alone.

wicked griffin yellow fish lvl 65

Jul 29, 2009
sirkamron61 on May 14, 2016 wrote:
Let me just get to the point here. Scylla is WAY TO HARD its like battling four ships at once with no help and the ships have low cooldowns on their attacks. I mean seriously AT LEAST make it so that you dont have to do it alone.

wicked griffin yellow fish lvl 65
I beat the Scylla with EASE just the other week on my own. I also beat him when I just started Aquila and was under leveled. I wandered into the passage and ran into the naval boss. Having no knowledge about him I still won easily. If anything the Scylla is way too easy and his difficulty should be raised. If you just bought the proper naval equipment and got up your nautical level you would be fine. You're overreacting.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
sirkamron61 on May 14, 2016 wrote:
Let me just get to the point here. Scylla is WAY TO HARD its like battling four ships at once with no help and the ships have low cooldowns on their attacks. I mean seriously AT LEAST make it so that you dont have to do it alone.

wicked griffin yellow fish lvl 65
Many of us have faced the Scylla - there are very easy strategies to use against her. Even if you don't have a powerful ship, these tips can help you defeat the Scylla.

1. If you can, have a friend & let them clear the decks during battle of all tokens, especially the monster spawn tokens ( the ones with the monster face on them. )
2. Use your mojo only when your ship is close to being defeated. This will heal your ship to full health.
3. Defeat heads one at a time, when one is defeated back off to a safe place. Hit the tab key - you can then clear the decks of tokens, ( if you're alone ) this will also allow your ship to heal a bit.
4. DO NOT enter or go near the green cloud as this will activate any monster tokens on deck! ( Unless you have removed all, then you can enter and fight the spawn. )

Just make sure your mojo potions are full and good luck, I know you can do this ( we all have done this, using this strategy, believe me this makes it a lot easier to do! )

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
sirkamron61 on May 14, 2016 wrote:
Let me just get to the point here. Scylla is WAY TO HARD its like battling four ships at once with no help and the ships have low cooldowns on their attacks. I mean seriously AT LEAST make it so that you dont have to do it alone.

wicked griffin yellow fish lvl 65
Ok so I have tips for you, first off inch in from the right or left side until you are just on range from two heads on the right or left side, this way only 2 can attack you.
Every once in a while remove the tokens on your ship so you don't have so many Scylla spawns on your ship
Lastly if you require assistance I can help you if you want

Dec 28, 2015
It's actually fairly easy if you're at Nautical Level 65.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Personally, I don't think Scylla is all that difficult if you've honed your ship-to-ship battle skills.

If you sail your ship tight along the rocks to the right, and only approach close enough to target the first head (keep hitting the bracket key either one ] or [ until you get the orange targeting icon) you can sink each head in succession, and handle the Scylla Spawn as the last thing.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
To all those who are saying "It's easy" please remember that not everyone is at the same level ( pirate or nautical ) as you or has a ship equipped the same way.
I remember the first time I fought the Scylla - I was defeated 4 times! ( It was the Scylla spawn that did this. )
I had to seriously rethink my strategy, and I had no idea that the message boards could help me.
At that time I wasn't even nautical level 60 ( as I recall I was maybe level 57 ). I was using a Marleybone Galleon with bazaar issue equipment ( the drop goddess is not my friend. ) I didn't know about backing away, clicking tab and removing the tokens, so I had over a dozen spawn on my deck when I entered the cloud.
I only got through by mojo potions and buying a henchman.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I forgot to mention, once you have defeated Scylla & entered Ithaca - you won't have to fight Scylla again; a passage opens up at the right when you re-enter the instance.
So you can avoid Scylla if you just want to go to Ithaca. Of course, once you've seen how to defeat Scylla, you may want to farm her ( she drops the Scylla spawn pet. )

Dec 15, 2012
I actually defeated scylla before anyone responded to this but posted it BEFORE i defeated him just left it here to see responses.
wicked griffin yellowfish lvl 65

PS. I beat the game later that day just in time for valencia pt 2

Dec 15, 2012
and [forgot to put this in my last post] i got scylla spawn pet first try!

Gunner's Mate
May 17, 2015
sirkamron61 on May 18, 2016 wrote:
and [forgot to put this in my last post] i got scylla spawn pet first try!
First Try!

I'm very jelly of your luck

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
sirkamron61 on May 18, 2016 wrote:
and [forgot to put this in my last post] i got scylla spawn pet first try!
Congratulations on your well fought victory and your amazing drop luck.

Nov 23, 2011
Didn't have too much trouble with the heads, but those little spawnie fellers munched through a few crewmen before we finished the little rotters off, that I remember well.
