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Golden Egg and the Trojan War Puppet Show?

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
So this question refers back when we help the eagles win the Trojan War. Why is the puppet show we see when we talk to Eaglemenon not replayable?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Pirate Master on Nov 22, 2015 wrote:
So this question refers back when we help the eagles win the Trojan War. Why is the puppet show we see when we talk to Eaglemenon not replayable?
If you mean the puppet show narrated by Blind Homer, it is re-playable; if you're having problems, report it to support.

Petty Officer
Apr 04, 2015
The way i see the ''seen'' Shows, is just opening quests (Q) and to the left i can choose the option ''puppet shows''. I hope that helped you

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
imagician26 on Dec 2, 2015 wrote:
The way i see the ''seen'' Shows, is just opening quests (Q) and to the left i can choose the option ''puppet shows''. I hope that helped you
I meant that this puppet show does not appear in the list of seen puppet shows.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Pirate Master on Dec 3, 2015 wrote:
I meant that this puppet show does not appear in the list of seen puppet shows.
Then you are experiencing a glitch and need to report it, because this puppet show is on my list.