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Hoodoo Bundle ever being sold online?

Jun 13, 2008

Is the Hoodoo Bundle going to continue to be exclusive to just Walmart, or is it ever going to move to being able to buy it online?

Could we possibly have a short time where it's briefly sold online? Or is there some exclusive with Walmart that prevents that?

Jul 16, 2014
Normally, when bundles are no longer available in stores they will become available on the website.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Jul 16, 2013
I looked in walmarts all over, and did not find any.

Feb 14, 2014
Bonnie Anne on Nov 25, 2014 wrote:
Normally, when bundles are no longer available in stores they will become available on the website.
Well then I hope Walmart completely stops stocking Hoodoo right now. As if they already do though.

Jun 13, 2008
Bonnie Anne on Nov 25, 2014 wrote:
Normally, when bundles are no longer available in stores they will become available on the website.
Well that's good to hear :D I hope they stop having them at Walmart sometime along then, because I can't find them at my local Walmarts anyway and really want to get one. They also sell various Pirate 101 Cards online from Walmart, but this unfortunately is not one of them :(

I realize some people did write about ways you may be able to talk to managers or something and get the Walmart to order the item for you. I just don't know that that is something I will be doing or not. I might try, but I just would rather be able to buy it without fussing around so much and making it feel like a struggle and fight to get the card. I want to give you guys my money, it should be easier to do so :D

Anyway I will end up with it one day one way or another but it's nice to know that it may be sold online one day if it no longer is sold in Walmart.

How about a special weekend you announce in advance where we can buy any of the existing cards online in the web shop? :D Maybe that goes against some policy you have with the stores though to get them to agree to carry the cards.